Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time ( .... 59 ..58 ...57 .... ?! )

The one week holidays.
How i spend it.
and how it went off.
Silently ...

Saturday: played until 4 am. to giv myself a treat.

Sunday: Badminton 2 courts + Byran + Sze Yee.

Monday: lepak lepak at FT house before going for tuition.

Tuesday: .... 'Thanks for the adventure ... now go Have your ...ow...n ...'

Wednesday: wake up late. Afternoon promised edi, last game for sure.

Thursday: The promise was postponed until today also ....
AND REALLY last game ..just now (4.53am finished) ..

Friday: Study group ... night 'tuition' ...

Saturday : Omega tuition and TV.

Sunday : Homework, TV and revision . ( see the pics. my 'emoticon' now.)

homework Pictures, Images and Photos

Perfect plan.
awake up awake up !
did you promise ... ?
but that is a broken promise.


1 Malaysia 1 Goal 1 Dream.

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