Sunday, March 21, 2010

Utada Hikaru - 'Travelling'

Dec 2009:

After the SPM exam,
my grandma called me and asked me to go back SGT & go KL with her.
(Actually before SPM, she alrdy requested me to come back. )

I alrdy finished the most important exam for Secondary's life
(SPM -> Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.)

I'M FREE !!!!!

(Run away from the Busy and Hectic. )

还是 …

(昔加末) 家是永远的 ‘避风港’ ....
(新山) 家是永远的’逼疯’港 ??

让人傻傻分不清楚 @@

Arrived at Sgt in no time.
'Macam' very relax and calm. (五福 >.<)

Every morning,
Wake up,
take a deep breath ......
(*deep breath)

No chemical / cigar.
One word -> FRESH!!!

这里不只空气清新,甘甜 …

'人情'味也蛮重的 .. >.<

Ah~ this is what we call ... life. ^^

I'm like playing the 'Real' ver. of Farmville

wake up, clean the hse , chatting with Ah ma.

Watch TV !! (东风卫视 - 王牌大明星 & 娛樂@亞洲 )
很好看 !! 侯佩岑很漂亮啊啊 ……. !! >.<

of cos........... Start farming !!
Chillies , Ladyfingers , Aubergine .. @@

-Rest- n/a


Hello KL ~ !!
We're coming !!!

(go by train. KTM)

In the meanwhile,
Grandma and I had a long long long ... chat.
from study to family ...
from Johor to KL ...
from 'Malaysia' to oversea ...

天南地北说个不停 ~ >.<

婆婆说了一句, 让我觉得庆幸和感动.

‘还好有你在 …… 不认识字好像跟盲,没有什么两样 ……’
(读书真的很 … 很 … 很重要. )

Went to KL.
All busy~ ... @@
cannot go anywhere.
Staying at my Uncle's house.
Looking at the public swimming pool everyday.

(Waiting for 5.30pm everyday. SWIMMING !! )

Finally, got 1 day !
OUting !!

Went to KLCC for 'Avatar' and 'Aquaria'

(The Lord of the RIng - The '2' Tower)


I promoting in front of hundreds of ppl passing by.
( everybody is looking at me .. alamak ~ i'm been forced to do so ! )

Impressed by the beauty of 'Underwater world'.

Gigantic Fishy ~

Sembrono Galliano sp. LOL >.< ?

ok ok stop stop stop ...

My auntie had brought a new house,
just few lot beside than tat of my uncle's.
(i wonder why she brought it ?? )

'In Conjuction with' the Hari Persekutuan,
Grandma and I went to their new house and ...
Clean up !

( no wonder they call us to come -.-)

洗刷刷 …

洗刷刷 …洗刷. . . ….

刷刷 ...

In 1 house had 23 windows ... Can u imagine tat ?
Why spend all the money on 'Window' ?!

Window .. 7 alrdy enough >.<
( I am the one who was in-charged to clean the windows. @@)

The guys from the furniture. My 'partners / 'rakan seperjuangan' !
'U r not alone, Macha !'

Eh Macha, watt r ull doinn ?!
'teh Tarek satu ?'

(Within a blink of eye)

'Wala !'

(Balinese style. 'spend-thrift' betul -.- )

(Others are not very nice. So ... 'Okay, Lets Skip this part.' )
They spent alot in it,
but both grandma and uncle were not very satisfy wif it.
Why wasting money @@?

ORang KL~ KL~ -.-

after all the cleaning,
We decide to call it a day.
The rest will be complete during the moving.
When we arrived at home,
Ah ma went to cook & I took a bath.

Finished bathing.
The 3 little 'devils' had returned!
*my niece and nephew*

they sat down and complaining tat they're hungry.
Grandma quickly serve them rice..

(外婆 not a servant ok ? Do it urself!)

Served them nicely.
BUT ...
when grandma closed-in to Elise.
She shouted:

'走开啦 ! 你这个肮脏的人!'
('Go away ! You Dirty People !')

@@ ?!

(Grandma remained her silent. Continue her works normally.)

肮脏 ?

不管几肮脏都好,也没有你们那样的’肮脏’ (*思想和心灵)

有点口德, 好不好? ....

听了都很生气 ... 但是婆婆还是不动于终.

虽然脸上好像没事, 但是我知道那句话也’伤’ 了不轻.

(I was amazed by her tolerance. )

Escaped !

( last day in KL. 01/02/2010 )

BYe ByE KL !

Sayonara ~ !
(In the train)

Bcs of KTM, i met up wif 2 lenglui ex-classmate.
ho ho ho ...


  1. walao..ur niece so so so rude!!!
    why dun giv slap her??!!

  2. canot canot ~ -.-
    i staying at their house leh.

    (they still small mah ... 忍 ! ..)

    百忍成金 .. like my grandma.

  3. 哦哦。。百忍成金。。。

  4. 最大只有13 ...
    骂人那个只有6岁 @@

  5. 'world without stranger'! dope shirt man! :)
