Friday, January 1, 2010

Flashback 2009, Hello 2010~

first time not using my own comp
to write my blog.
Where am I now ??

(Currently at Segamat, my cousin, Hongli's house.)



PB.Cina form 5 Farewell party.
before i went out, i received a msg from Jh.Sia.


think think think ...
This is our last time to wear the 'uniform'
'arhh .... CALL ALL FORM 5 PBC member to wear the PBC t-shirt.'
after changed the t-shirt. Lets go ~

7 ++ pm arrived at 青叶火锅店.
Start eating ~!
( even i tried to not making jokes. Still got ppl laugh @@)
I Love It. ^^
Got a present for our 'hardwork'.


think think think .. for a very long time.
finally decided to come back to grandma's house.
bcs the same night,
some ex-classmate organised a BBQ for countdown.
Pack pack pack.
'Owh Owh OWH !! ... Balik Kampung ~~'

In the bus, thinking abt how I gonna spend my free time here.
within a blink of eyes,
I reached my hometown.
'Hello, Segamat ~'

Segamat Pictures, Images and Photos

at the night, (after the BBQ)
11 pm alrdy 'cabut lari'. >.<
Then Tc's bro asked us to grab something to eat.
limteh lor ~
Went to a Pub.
(an Empty pub. @@ )

Super duper kolian.
3 big guys,
having a chicken chop (+ green tea .. 'me')
during Countdown.
3 Emo's' sitting at the cafe. (clubbing !!)
(sleepy or wat ?)

'5....3.....2....1.........0.1 ... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!'

countdown Pictures, Images and Photos

'No matter how hard was the 2009 year.
SPM ...
Arguement ...
The Apart ..
Lost ... or Found ^^ ?
The hardship during the low,
The joy during the high.
Please remember it.
Keep it in ur heart.
Say goodbye to 2009,
Hello ............ 2010 ~ !!

A whole new Chapter that is still remain unknown.^^


Wondering what i am doing during The first day of the new YEar ?
'Yes ~ , tats rite.'
Stay at home. -.-
Inti ..?
Utar ? ...
.............. HELP ? ( university.)

....Matric ? ............................
.............. DPT ? ....

my cousin called me.
'喂,你回来了?? 来我家啦!‘
Okok. no problem.
he took his car,
then came to my place.

Vroom vroom ~

After 'minum' teh,
go back his house to see '2012'

'We must WORK together as a Team. And tat time ..where the humani..ty ...'
Nice movie. (thumbs up)

(We both are kinda alike. Background or charateristic ? same age also. )
Like what we will do most of the time.
Dota dota dota dota ....
(until .. the first shine of the sun ... we stopped.)
Gila ~

'Long time no see mah ... >.< ~'

After breakfast,
both of us ...

'ZZZZzzzzz ~'
(good night)

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