Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Brief 'History' ... Of Time.

SPM finished.
The feeling like 半天吊.
1/2 happy, 1/2 not happy.

the exam alrdy past and we cant do anything abt it.
So,Free !!~

Got Facebook edy.
( those day without FB, like 'No Face' ? )
>.< href="" target="_blank">bare wood oboko Pictures, Images and Photos

I brought a Kebaya ! ( a magnet. mini ver. )
Tat kebaya very nice.
6'5' perfect.
I brought something which i might use it ... or will not use it.
when to Use it ah ?
No more Schoolling....
Stayed Up Until 4 am.
Chatting with Videsh.
Sleeping. ZZZzzzz ~

(before slept, still got chit chat with Sean for a while.)
(Matric? .. PreU ? ... No way out ??? )

He gave me the look. Looks like impossible to do so in M'sia.

Sleep. ZZZZzzzzz

21/10/09, 2nd day
after we all woke up.
Energetic !!!
'Yosh Yosh Yosh !! '


After packing up + filled up the 'Upset'-ed stomach,
A Famosa Water park !!
Here we come !!

'Following Pictures Contain Nudity and Had been Removed Under Child Abuse Act'

Swam for 5 hours.
Battery 'kong' also.
Dead' Xp'

During the 'Cleaning' process,
Alamak !!! ... I and Chia Woei forgot abt the others' chlothes...
Luckily they got bring spare .. >.<

Red Pictures, Images and Photos

'Hey WS, why ur face so red ?'
Chin huei , Si Jing , Sze Yee , Jin Pei , Meng An , Kai Xin said tat.
They tot i drunk edi. ( drink too much of chlorox ? .... 'sea' water)

I CAUGHT Sunburn. Hot and Seks ...A ! .. ( not seksi or seks XD)
Chia Woei helped me to apply the sun lotion.
Kam siah.
'U saw my BODY !! ' ... 1/2 naked.

Jau.H got bring Coolfever and Vit.C.
took 1 Vit.C and had my coolfever 'paste' on my forehead.

'Ok, i am ready to Sle..e.e..e.e. pp !... '
*knock knock*

modern door Pictures, Images and Photos
'Yes, apahal ?'
Rupa2-nya, is Terence.
Suddenly he came in and asking me many questions.
cannot react so fast in a short period.
I just ' eh... uh ... uh ... uh .... uh ... yes...
' He said he wan stay there.

Slowly, like bees ... One by One, entering the room.
( Uncle still go out limteh with his frens. + Sean)

crowd serfin Pictures, Images and Photos
The crowd started to chit chat.
( i can feel the warm of the family ... sit down and chit chat like family... not as a fren )
'XXXXXX, she/ he ah ... walao eh ... wat de ... u say la ... Sure ? .. dun need la'
chit chat for a while.
Suddenly u can feel the sweet sweet taste ...

"I got bring, tmr i giv to u."
*Comfort* daisuki des~ ^^

(Sau Chyun came in at the wrong timing. If uncle come back, then nvm. Why everyone going out ... Dun let me alone ... sob sob sob )

I would like to hav a coffee.
Why dun wan go to sleep ?
( accompany me bah. me also cannot sleep. )
-4 am.-

Tat night also a sleepless. playing cards. ( EEink and Jau.H helping me LoLx )
No Income, No 'out'come.
Played 2 round.
Fell asleep.

Last day,
Felt like very Emo..
2 days we spent our time in the chalet.
Got feeling edy with the Bed and chairs and table and glass cushion ...etc
Taking pics of the surrounding. ( the only outing we had with such a number. )


After the dinner, we all went to the Dataran Pahlawan.
Hav a bowling game.
A swt swt bowling game.
The Machine kept lag ... lag. ... lag ...
Delayed our time.

(Guangyek showing sour face.)
My angry face Pictures, Images and Photos

the environment starting to change.
I bet everyone all no mood to play edi.

bus Pictures, Images and Photos
IN the bus.
Until Kulai.
i woke up.
Start CHATting !! ..

'Pek bok pek boh pek boh ... ~~~'

Arrived at SMKDPT.
all went down.
I wanted to say TQ.
But u moved to fast + u didnt listen wat i had said to u.
The same night,

'TQ for the Panadol.'

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. haha...
    u written down all the story><
    so geng seh...
    ur summary must be full marks...
